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Building an IP to IPO Canal System

With means of PE investments, VC insurance, a technology bank, and direct investments, CASH promotes a smooth transfer of science and technology achievements (IP) of institutes to the capital markets. The building of new incubators will promote the interaction between VC/PE investment and technological achievements, and cultivatesmall businesses with a strong innovation capacity. At the same time, CASH forms innovation alliances to bridge the gap between innovation and industry by taking leading companies as models to foster industrial champions. CASH will usevarious means to promote enterprise development and growth at different development stages to realize Interactive Innovation among the Innovation Chain, the Industry Chain and the Capital Chain and to build the IP to IPO Canal with a deep integration of technology,industry and finance.

Guiding Thought

  • In accordance with the requirement of the CAS Pioneer Initiative, relying on the research strength of CAS, CASH plans to promote the interaction among innovation, industry and capital through the interaction of science and technology, industry and finance, and through the interaction among government, institutes, enterprises, financial organization, and users so as to accelerate and strengthen deeper integration of science and technology, and economy, to achieve leap-forward development of strategic emerging industries, to promote China economic transition and industrial structure upgrading, and to improve China’s economic quality and comprehensive national power.

Overall Objective

  • By 2020, the basic structure and strategic deployment for Interactive Innovation will be formed, namely to establish the interaction among S&T (intellectual capital), industry and financial capital through the interaction of science and technology, industry and finance, and to build the "canal system" between IP rights to the capital markets. So that CASH will become a platform of S&T and economy integration and technology transfer.
  • By 2020, Interactive Innovation and its industry beneficiaries will become a force to lead science and the economy in the world, by realizing CASH centered interaction among S&T (intellectual capital), industry and financial capital. Through this interaction, CASH will be an internationally renowned high-tech and financial holding group.

Major Mission

  • To assist in the overall listing of Legend Holdings in Hong Kong, and to promote KYKY, SKY Technology, Chengdu Information Technology, Science Press, and Guangzhou Chemistry to get listed in domestic markets, thus creating a domestic and international financing platform.
  • To foster controlling subsidiaries and instate-affiliated companies catering to China’s strategic emerging industries, including energy conservation and the environmental protection field, new generation information technology, high-end manufacturing, new materials, and the health & bio industry.
  • To promote smart cities, green cities, and healthy cities. CASH enterprises and CAS related institutes will carry out provincial or city-level integration to promote local economic upgrades, thus also opening the market and enhancing brands for CASH enterprises.
  • To explore and realize China’s low costs and high-tech advantage and going to developing countries. CASH will actively develop markets in developing countries, and organize affiliated companies to export the whole industry chain to Afro-Asian and Latin American countries while exploring the Online Silk Road.

Major Actions

  • To build an investment platform, by setting up a CAS Fund of Funds to guide and promote the gathering of capital in strategic emerging industries.
  • To actively promote and develop VC insurance to facilitate VC investment in strategic emerging industries.
  • To actively promote and establish a technology bank and develop technology leasing to provide financing support to small and medium-sized companies in strategic emerging industries.
  • To build international financing platforms by consolidating companies in strategic emerging industries.
  • To form innovation alliances to bridge innovation and industry by taking companies as the lead and uniting related institutes.
  • To build new-types ofincubators to facilitate interaction among innovation, industry, and capital and to build an investor supermarket.
  • To designate an information collection network in important regions around the world to serve CASH global business and talent introduction.
  • To set up a special fund to reward and support companies and teams which make outstanding contributions.
  • To thoroughly foster a training, transfer and start-up incubation platform, and organize an international Interactive Innovation forum.
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